O Lado Prático do Direito Sucessório
O Lado Prático do Direito Sucessório 3th Edition

The third edition of my book “The Practical Side of Succession Law” has already been published, revised, updated and enlarged.
Since the second edition ran out rapidly e given the fact that many people were still looking to acquire the book, it was my understanding as well as my publisher AAFDL Editora to launch a third edition, which we present now. This new edition has more 10 cases having now 110 cases instead of 100 with more themes regarding the practical side of Succession Law. On the other side, there are more examples forms in order to enrich the part regarding it.
Also the Practical Succession Law Lexicon has been enlarged with more new legal definitions.
This third edition has another reason for me to be happy for as it is published in the year that I celebrate the 25th anniversary as an attorney at law.
I hope the third edition is as much successful as the first and second editions and I thank deeply to the readers for their preference
Click here to acquire the book.